Monday, July 27, 2009

My Map on Google Maps

View University in a larger map

What is Google Earth and Google Maps?

Google Earth and Google Maps is a tool which allows you to view places all over the world. The maps use satellite images to show an accurate and clear image of your selected location. This tool also allows people to personalise their own map by placing photos, labels and captions.

How can I incorporate Google Earth and Google Maps into the classroom?

I found Google earth and google maps to be an excellent, interesting tool in which students can explore and learn in a new and engaging way. This tool allows students to explore the world from their classrooms and provide accurate and reliable visual information for students.
When I first began to explore how this tool worked multiple ideas came to mind across all KLA's. The two main subject areas I believe would be most effective would be SOSE and Math. Students would be able to see the way in which other countries live (houses, buildings, facilities etc) to broaden their knowledge of other cultures. In relation to math students are able to understand the concept of area in a way that enables them to physically see what area is and how it is measured.
Overall this tools possibilities are endless and it can Incorporated into all KLA's. I personally found this tool extremely engaging and interesting, so therefore I know that my future students will definitely enjoy and learn from this tool.

Visit Google Earth and Maps here.

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