Monday, July 20, 2009


I found Feedburner to be very complicated and hard for me to understand. I think it would be easier for me to understand if I had a larger background knowledge of podcasts and vodcasts. As I only know very little about these about these topics I found the concept of Feedburner beyond me. However in saying this it does not mean I am going to give up on using Feedburner. Once I worked my way through the world of podcasts and vodcasts and I will once again attempt to use Feedburner.

From what I can gather Feedburner allows people to share podcasts and vodcasts by uploading them to blogs and other websites. I think this would be benificial to learners as it would allow them to share information that is important to them with their peers.

I think I will find many more uses for Feedburner once I have played with it and experimented for myself. I shall keep you posted about my progress!

Click here to access my feedburner account.

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