Monday, July 6, 2009

Me, Myself and I

Hello there,

This is my first attempt of navigating the complex world of blogging. My first impressions of this new and exciting aspect of the internet is that it is very complex and scary. I believe that I have started a very interesting journey and I am very eager to see how to incorperate all of the ICT's into the classroom.


  1. Laura, the complexity is quite overwhelming but there appears to be a mirade of uses for this technology, only stiffled by imagination

  2. To be honest the only thing i ever knew about blogging was the blog icon on my myspace. :(

  3. Laura,

    I agree this is all very interesting and once you get the hang of it actually simple in a way. Its just like any new site that presents itself, such as facebook, you just need to teach yourself, practise and continue to use the site.
    DON'T GIVE UP thats the kep to successfully navigating thses sites.
