Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Power Points

Power Points - who knew that you could do so much with them. I am totally amazed with amount of tools that are available through power point and how well they can relate to everyday classroom practise.

Power Points allow students to express their ideas and individual views in a professional and effective manner. This tool is easily accessed and very straight forward to use with primary students.

I think power points provide students with oppertunities to investigate and find new knowledge for themselves. In doing this learning managers will scaffold and provide oppertunities for students to work in conjunction with the characterisitics stated in Dimensions of Learning 2 (Marzano & Pickering, 1997).

Power points allow students to present work in an entirely new and exciting way, therefore providing an engaging learning experience. This tool also caters for all learning styles as students can customise to their particular style by adding texts, music, images etc.

I believe that power points are a great tool to be used in classrooms to provide students with a new and exciting way to present their work. This will therefore create a sense of pride within the students and hopefully create a more productive classroom.

Marzano, R. J, & Pickering, D. J. (1997). Dimensions of Learning: Teachers Manual. Aurora, Colorado, United States of America: Mid-continent Educational Laboratory.


  1. I agree Laura I found out that in powerpoint can do many things that I did not know you could achieve. It can be used in the classroom in an effective and engaging way. Athough the uses that I can think of are quite minimal (see my blog for more information), are there any other ways in which you think it could be used and incorperated?

    My Curious Dangerous Mind

  2. I think we have just lifted the surface on powerpoints and I can only think of the straight forward ways of using powerpoints. However I do believe they are a great tool for children to present their work with.
