Thursday, July 9, 2009

Blogger, Delicious and Reader....?

My first thoughts when I heard the terms blogger, delicious and reader were that I am definitely out of my depth here. However after only a short time of playing and in fact learning about these new terms, I found that I was becoming to feel quite comfortable using these tools.

Since my first tutorial I have not been able to stop my mind thinking about the ways in which I would be able to implement these tools. I have thought of many possible ways in which to scaffold learning using these tools and all of which can be modified to suit any KLA and learning style.

I believe these tools will be very useful in monitoring students progress, organising resources that all students have access to and creating learning experience that actually engage and motivate students. This realtes directly to both the Enagagement Theory (Keirley & Schneiberman, 1999) and The Learning Design Framework (Oliver, 1999) as it provides authentic learning experiences, uses relevent and engaging resources and encourages collaboration. I also believe that these tools would enable students to feel as though their work matters as they are not just submitting work samples for their teacher to see but the whole world. I think that this point will motivate students to work harder and present work that they are proud of.

I found within the last week that I feel very passionate about ICT's and their use within the classroom and I feel that it is a complete waste if they are not Incorporated into ALL facets of the classroom.

Kearsley, G. & Shneiderman, B. (1999). Engagement Theory: A framework for technology-based teaching and learning. Retrieved August 4, 2009. from:

Oliver, R. (1999). Exploring strategies for online teaching and learning. Distance Education 20(2), p.240-254


  1. On Friday I listened to three motivational speakers and their success within their chosen field. The underlying theme was leadership and how we as teachers are leaders within the classroom. Every day I am thankful for being the person I am because I have become a leader and am proud of my role in life. I was given gifts to share and a mission to help others. This journey is ever evolving and ICT is just one area. Ours is not to be scared of the changes but to embrace them so we can share with others. What a wonderful reason to get up in the morning.

  2. Hi Laura,
    Yes these tools could help us do a variety of things especialy freeing up time to spend more time for meaningful learning to motivate our students.

  3. Hey Laura,

    I completely agree! I am relly starting to get excited about the thought of ICT's being used in the classroom to engage, motivate, and help our students to learn, and help us to deliver the curriculum. Simple ICT's can turn a chalk and talk lesson into an interactive, engaging and interesting one for all students. If this is what our students are engaged and interested in why not use them to our advantage. I Love your idea about students being able to share their work with not only their peers but the 'whole world'. That is exactly right and I also agree that students would get excited about this thought, the thought of sharing their work, ideas and thoughts with the world.

    See you in todays tute,
    My curious Dangerous Mind

  4. I agree with everybodies thoughts and I think it would be total waste not use ICT's within the classroom. Actually I think it would be near impossible not to be able to use any ICT's in the classroom as everything is linked with ICTs.

    I am so excited about learning how to incorperate all types of ICT's and by the feedback from my peers so are they.
