Monday, July 27, 2009

My Map on Google Maps

View University in a larger map

What is Google Earth and Google Maps?

Google Earth and Google Maps is a tool which allows you to view places all over the world. The maps use satellite images to show an accurate and clear image of your selected location. This tool also allows people to personalise their own map by placing photos, labels and captions.

How can I incorporate Google Earth and Google Maps into the classroom?

I found Google earth and google maps to be an excellent, interesting tool in which students can explore and learn in a new and engaging way. This tool allows students to explore the world from their classrooms and provide accurate and reliable visual information for students.
When I first began to explore how this tool worked multiple ideas came to mind across all KLA's. The two main subject areas I believe would be most effective would be SOSE and Math. Students would be able to see the way in which other countries live (houses, buildings, facilities etc) to broaden their knowledge of other cultures. In relation to math students are able to understand the concept of area in a way that enables them to physically see what area is and how it is measured.
Overall this tools possibilities are endless and it can Incorporated into all KLA's. I personally found this tool extremely engaging and interesting, so therefore I know that my future students will definitely enjoy and learn from this tool.

Visit Google Earth and Maps here.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Vodcasts and Podcasts

What is a Podcast and Vodcast?

Vodcats and podcasts are ways in which you can access information about many topics at any time. Podcasts present the information in an audio format in which you listen to and can be downloaded at any time. Podcasts cover a range of different topics such as lectures, lessons, a current affairs and many more.
Vodcast are the same as podcats except that they present information in video format, so you can watch the video as well as listen. You can download podcasts and vodcasts through i-tunes and subscribe to certain topics that interest you or a subject you may be teaching.

How can I use it in my Classroom?

Podcasts and Vodcasts can easily be Incorporated into the classroom and can be very useful tools for both students and teachers. These tools allows teachers access to a wide range of information and resources and to easily pass this information on to students. This aspects of using a podcast or vodcats can allow students access to an expert on a daily basis. This idea it self should motivate teachers to use and incorporate the use podcast and vodcasts. Allowing students access to reliable and engaging resources creates an effective learning experience for students and directly relates to the Learning Design Framework by allowing students choice of resources, a range of resources and multiple persepctives on a topic. (Oliver, 1999)

These tools could also be used to ensure that all students are receiving the same learning experiences despite students being away. Podcasts can allow teachers to record and save important lessons that all students need to hear. Students can then listen to the recording and easily catch up on the missed learning experience.

How does it support learning?

These tools support learning by ensuring that all students are receiving and engaging with the same learning experiences. The tools also support learning by presenting students with the tools to access relevant and useful information in an exciting and interesting manner.

Oliver, R. (1999). Exploring strategies for online teaching and learning. Distance Education 20(2), p.240-254


Wow this tool I have found particularly interesting and think it could have many different applications within the classroom. My first thought when I was playing around with this tool was that it would be an excellent way to engage and motivate students at the start of a new topic. I imagined that the Voki would give the students their new 'task' in the form of a mission or top secret business. This relates to the Enagagement Theory derived by Keirley and Schneiderman (1999), as it provides an authentic focus for students to learn.

I think that this tool could also help students you have difficulties with speaking in public. With a Voki students can simply record their own voice and present it through a Voki. I think this would take alot of stress and pressure of children you find public speaking particularly hard.

Vokis are also an excellent way to cater for all learning styles and to encourage students to be motivated about their work. Vokis also relates to the Learning Design Framework (Oliver, 1999) as it provides a multi model experience for students.

Kearsley, G. & Shneiderman, B. (1999). Engagement Theory: A framework for technology-based teaching and learning. Retrieved August 4, 2009. from:

Oliver, R. (1999). Exploring strategies for online teaching and learning. Distance Education 20(2), p.240-254

Monday, July 20, 2009


This is my Podcast account. Click here to view.


I found Feedburner to be very complicated and hard for me to understand. I think it would be easier for me to understand if I had a larger background knowledge of podcasts and vodcasts. As I only know very little about these about these topics I found the concept of Feedburner beyond me. However in saying this it does not mean I am going to give up on using Feedburner. Once I worked my way through the world of podcasts and vodcasts and I will once again attempt to use Feedburner.

From what I can gather Feedburner allows people to share podcasts and vodcasts by uploading them to blogs and other websites. I think this would be benificial to learners as it would allow them to share information that is important to them with their peers.

I think I will find many more uses for Feedburner once I have played with it and experimented for myself. I shall keep you posted about my progress!

Click here to access my feedburner account.

Movie Maker

This our video we created using a range of different tools including cameras, voice recorders and windows media maker.

How can I use moviemaker within my classroom?

Moviemaker is a tool that enables you to upload and edit images and videos to create a movie. This tool is particularly easy to use and there would be no trouble using this in a primary school classroom. I can in vision using this tool within my classroom on a regular basis as a means of recording information, recounting an event or presenting new information.
This tool allows students to express their ideas and work in their own individual way. Moviemaker also allows students to create something (a DVD) to show others and to have something that have physically created. I believe this aspect will create a sense of pride within students and therefore result in students being more motivating and wanting to learn. Allowing students to create something that can be used and transferred to anybody promotes authentic tasks and motivation for students. This aspect is supported by the Learning Deisgin Framework (Oliver, 1999) and creates an effective and motivating learning experience for all learners.

How can Movie Maker support all learners?

Movie Maker is a excellent tool as it allows students to express their ideas and information in a range of different ways. It supports learners who prefer to work in a kinesthetic learning style but also caters for visual and auditory learners too. I believe this tool can be an exciting way for students to engage one another as well as themselves. I believe that Movie Maker allows for creativity, collaboration and independence, as well as supporting all learners. (Keirley & Schneiderman, 1999)

Kearsley, G. & Shneiderman, B. (1999). Engagement Theory: A framework for technology-based teaching and learning. Retrieved August 4, 2009. from:

Oliver, R. (1999). Exploring strategies for online teaching and learning. Distance Education 20(2), p.240-254

Group Podcast

This is our first Podcast. There isn't much on here because we were just playing.

Visit it here.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Power Points

Power Points - who knew that you could do so much with them. I am totally amazed with amount of tools that are available through power point and how well they can relate to everyday classroom practise.

Power Points allow students to express their ideas and individual views in a professional and effective manner. This tool is easily accessed and very straight forward to use with primary students.

I think power points provide students with oppertunities to investigate and find new knowledge for themselves. In doing this learning managers will scaffold and provide oppertunities for students to work in conjunction with the characterisitics stated in Dimensions of Learning 2 (Marzano & Pickering, 1997).

Power points allow students to present work in an entirely new and exciting way, therefore providing an engaging learning experience. This tool also caters for all learning styles as students can customise to their particular style by adding texts, music, images etc.

I believe that power points are a great tool to be used in classrooms to provide students with a new and exciting way to present their work. This will therefore create a sense of pride within the students and hopefully create a more productive classroom.

Marzano, R. J, & Pickering, D. J. (1997). Dimensions of Learning: Teachers Manual. Aurora, Colorado, United States of America: Mid-continent Educational Laboratory.

Monday, July 13, 2009

My Temprement

All Artisans (SPs) share the following core characteristics:
  • Artisans tend to be fun-loving, optimistic, realistic, and focused on the here and now
  • Artisans pride themselves on being unconventional, bold, and spontaneous.
  • Artisans make playful mates, creative parents, and troubleshooting leaders.
  • Artisans are excitable, trust their impulses, want to make a splash, seek stimulation, prize freedom, and dream of mastering action skills.

If you would like to find out your temprement visit this exciting website -

My Learning Styles


If you would like to take this test visit

Before I started the test I thought I would not really class myself as any particular learning style. This test represent my thinking and shows that I prefer to learn in social situations. This will benifit my teaching as I can relate to a wide range of learning styles as I use most of them equally. I think that my social learing style will have a positive effect on e-learning in my classroom as it is a very social act. Although the graph shows that I use a range of different learning styles, I will have to be sure to include solitary and logical learning oppertunities for students who prefer that way to learn. I think this tool will be excellent when I have a new class and need to profile them quickly to ensure I am teaching to suit all of their needs. This tool also provides ways in which students can identify their own learning styles and therefore pay particular attention and needed areas.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Blogger, Delicious and Reader....?

My first thoughts when I heard the terms blogger, delicious and reader were that I am definitely out of my depth here. However after only a short time of playing and in fact learning about these new terms, I found that I was becoming to feel quite comfortable using these tools.

Since my first tutorial I have not been able to stop my mind thinking about the ways in which I would be able to implement these tools. I have thought of many possible ways in which to scaffold learning using these tools and all of which can be modified to suit any KLA and learning style.

I believe these tools will be very useful in monitoring students progress, organising resources that all students have access to and creating learning experience that actually engage and motivate students. This realtes directly to both the Enagagement Theory (Keirley & Schneiberman, 1999) and The Learning Design Framework (Oliver, 1999) as it provides authentic learning experiences, uses relevent and engaging resources and encourages collaboration. I also believe that these tools would enable students to feel as though their work matters as they are not just submitting work samples for their teacher to see but the whole world. I think that this point will motivate students to work harder and present work that they are proud of.

I found within the last week that I feel very passionate about ICT's and their use within the classroom and I feel that it is a complete waste if they are not Incorporated into ALL facets of the classroom.

Kearsley, G. & Shneiderman, B. (1999). Engagement Theory: A framework for technology-based teaching and learning. Retrieved August 4, 2009. from:

Oliver, R. (1999). Exploring strategies for online teaching and learning. Distance Education 20(2), p.240-254

Monday, July 6, 2009

Me, Myself and I

Hello there,

This is my first attempt of navigating the complex world of blogging. My first impressions of this new and exciting aspect of the internet is that it is very complex and scary. I believe that I have started a very interesting journey and I am very eager to see how to incorperate all of the ICT's into the classroom.