Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Interactive Whiteboards

What is an Interactive Whiteboard?

First of all interactive whiteboards are fantastic!!

An interactive whiteboard allows for students to see and interact with anything that can be presented on a desktop of a computer. Students can touch the whiteboard in replacement to a mouse or keyboard. Lessons and information can also be saved for later use and reference.

How can I use an Interactive Whiteboard in my classroom?

I really think the question should be how CAN'T I use an interactive whiteboard in my classroom, as there is such a vast amount of things that be achieved with an interactive whiteboard.
Interactive whiteboard provide many oppertunties for students to be interactive with their learning through providing engaging and meaningful resources. This relates directly to the Learning Design Framework as interactive whiteboards provide relevent resources, meanigful tasks and adequet support. (Oliver, 1999) Interactive whiteboards are perfect for brainstorming, word walls, literacy activities, maths games and problems, ICT skills, digital story telling and many more. Interactive whiteboard promotes collaborative learning, higher order thinking skills and multiple perspectives and this relates directly to the Engagement Theory derived by Keirley and Schneiderman (1999).

I think this tool is excellent and the more you play and explores its features the more you learn you can do. I am in the early stages of my exploration and I am already a huge fan of this resource. All I can say it keep exploring and keep learning and your students are sure to follow.

Kearsley, G. & Shneiderman, B. (1999). Engagement Theory: A framework for technology-based teaching and learning. Retrieved August 4, 2009. from:

Oliver, R. (1999). Exploring strategies for online teaching and learning. Distance Education 20(2), p.240-254

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